The Primary environment is rich with learning opportunities. Children continue to develop independence and social grace in this mixed age grouping in which older children teach younger children and younger children aspire to advance to the work of the older children. A three hour uninterrupted work cycle allows children to deeply engage in the work of their choice and also receive individual lessons with materials designed to meet them exactly where they are at, and continue to challenge their learning.
8:00 Work Cycle
11:00 Group Time
11:15 Outdoor Play Time
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Clean-up/Half-day Dismissal
1:00 Nap/Rest
1:30 Afternoon Work Cycle for Non-nappers
3:00 Afternoon Dismissal
Practical life activities are real life activities that develop independence and self-direction, while caring for self, others and the surrounding environment.
Sensorial activities refine the senses and strengthen the child’s memory while providing a foundational reference to connect with the world around us.
Language activities allow the child to develop and express their thoughts to connect with others while simultaneously promoting confidence and independence.
Mathematics in the Montessori environment encourages concrete to abstract thinking in which the child logically solves problems through the mathematical mind.
Within these areas the children also explore science, history, geography, art and music. There is a heavy emphasis on Grace and Courtesy. Children practice using manners, respecting each other, conflict resolution and positive self-expression. Their time here also prepares them for the work of the Elementary environment, allowing for a seamless transition from one level to the next.
Weekly Snack Menu
"The child between three and six years of age has a special psychological characteristic—the absorbent mind."