Our Mission is...
...to support every child in becoming a joyful and courageous agent of peace, builder of community, and creator of justice and beauty.
Our Vision is...
...an accessible and diverse public school embodying the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) standards for Montessori education.
...a student body who respect themselves, others, and their environment.
...a community of young people who see themselves as citizens of the world and enter into society eager and prepared to contribute to a peaceful and harmonious future.
...a partnership between families, educators, and community members working together to support children in recognizing their “Great Work.”
We Value…
...Diversity: children from all backgrounds benefit from learning together.
Gender, Socioeconomic, Cultural, Religious, Racial, Ethnic, Ability, etc.
For more information on Diversity and Inclusion, click here.
...AMI Standards: dedication to the complete expression of the Montessori Method allows for development of the whole child. For more information, see AMI USA's Standards for AMI Montessori Classrooms.
...Community Partnerships: the child is best served through a collaboration of families, school and the greater community.
What is a charter school?
A charter school in Colorado is a public school operated by a group of families, teachers and/or community members as a semi-autonomous school of choice within a school district, operating under a contract or "charter" contract between the members of the charter school community and the local board of education. The degree of autonomy to be exercised by the charter school on such issues as personnel, curriculum and facilities is negotiated between the charter applicants and the local school district and reflected in the charter. School-centered governance, autonomy, and a clear design for how and what students will learn are the essential characteristics of a charter school. (from the Colorado Department of Education)