One of our three Core Values at Great Work Work Montessori School is Community Partnership. As a Jefferson County charter public school, GWMS was created by families who believe in the school mission of supporting every child in becoming a joyful and courageous agent of peace, builder of community and creator of justice and beauty. Families are their child’s first and forever teacher with the greatest influence on their growth and development. We aim to co-create with families a greater community where children and families learn anytime and anywhere. Our school community has set up intentional learning opportunities, communication systems, and support that will aid us in shifting the mindset of family involvement into true partnership.
At Great Work Montessori School, we believe that communication is key. We have a variety of different ways for families and guides to communicate. Connection is an essential part of our staff culture. Families can expect regular emails from their child’s guide giving them glimpses into their classroom communities experience, and welcome contact with families about their home life in order to bridge the gap between home and school. Guardian-teacher conferences are held twice a year, one in the fall and one in the spring for all children. There are weekly classroom specific emails sent home from each guide. School-wide Monthly newsletters and Weekly reminders help us all stay connected to school events and opportunities to come together and build community.
Another important aspect is for all the partners to see themselves as lifelong learners. With that in mind, we have many opportunities for learning from one another and with each other. Our staff trainings include topics on child development, as well as trauma-informed care and Anti Bias Anti Racist training in order to identify and overcome cultural barriers. Our monthly Family Discussions provide an opportunity for staff to show their expertise on child-centered topics while giving families an opportunity to share their perspectives with one another and create connections. Watch-Me-Work nights are scheduled 2 times a year for Primary families and are great ways for families to experience how children work with Montessori materials. Family members at all levels are invited to share their culture and professional knowledge by coming in and doing in-class presentations.
Finally, a partnership is one of support. As a Jeffco Charter School, we have a parent/guardian-led school board who partner with our head of school to make decisions that align with our mission and vision. In addition, we have the GWMS Community Council who are made up of parents and guardians who volunteer their time to support staff, create connection, and understand the needs of our family community so we can support everyone.